Weathering the Storm


“COVID-19” - if we had a dollar for each time we heard that phase this year, I think it's safe to say we'd be millionares. For many businesses the effect has been devastating. But how has it affected UNIK VIEW?

Not much actually. I’ve been working quietly behind the scenes just as before. It has been digital centric since day 1 so it's been nice seeing the rest of society adapt - even if by force. During this time, many clients have been rebranding or working on new ideas to better service our now changed world. All of these requests have been facilitated 100% remotely and digitally - from initial requests to asset delivery and payment.

Digital Payments in Barbados.

Not common but not impossible. For me personally: CIBC First Caribbean has made this an ease with their 1st Pay service (this is not a paid promotion... unfortunately). This allows you to send and receive money to other CIBC account holders by using a phone number or email address and the best part about it is: it transfers over immediately- no next day, no drawn out processing.

Some clients may not be as tech savvy and mobile friendly; for them there’s always the option of adding you as a payee on CIBC online banking using your account number and have them transfer the funds instantly too.

I can’t speak for other banks because I don’t know what services they offer but for sure there is bank to bank transfer available. This option may take a day or more to be approved but it works.

We desperately need a local/regional service which will allow us to accept credit card payments without having to go through the US. If the aim is to truly empower youth, innovation and entrepreneurship and small business, we need affordable means to conduct business.

Communicate, Communicate, OVERcommunicate

With the absence of face-to-face communication, it’s best to explain clearly and in some instances over explain for the sake of clarity - and I mean really over explain to minimize any confusion or misunderstandings.

Schedule phone calls or virtual meetings on Skype, Google Meets, Zoom etc. to discuss any changes, updates or revisions. Listen, take notes and then go over to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Video calls are especially great for introducing yourself to new clients. Get to know them, allow them to get to know you too! Don’t be too serious and make it all about business — show your personality.

Courtesy calls

Sometimes, it’s just nice to call and check in on your clients and see how they're doing- it doesn’t always have to be about the job. This helps to build your relationship especially in a time where not everyone is doing so okay. Show your clients that you care, they’ll return when the time is right 😉.


Most importantly: don’t stop doing what you’re doing. Hone your skills, try a new style or technique, review your processes, level up! We’ll weather this storm and emerge even better!

OMRI Kellman